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Bachmann 32-444 Class 24/1 97201 Experiment BR RTC Blue & Red
Bachmann 32-443 Class 24/1 D5094 BR Green
Bachmann 32-415 Class 24/0 D5036 BR Green Small Yeelow Panel
35-527 Class 121 Single Car DMU BR Network South East
35-432SFX Class 47/7 47790 'Galloway Princess' DRS Compass (Original)
35-430SFX Class 47/3 47376 'Freightliner 1995' Freightliner Grey, weathered
35-430SF Class 47/3 47376 'Freightliner 1995' Freightliner Grey, weathered
35-421SFX - Class 47/4 47526 BR Blue Large Logo, Weathered with Sound
35-421SF - Class 47/4 47526 BR Blue Large Logo, Weathered with Sound
35-419SF Class 47/3 47375 'Tinsley Traction Depot' BR RF Distribution European
35-419 Class 47/3 47375 Tinsley Traction Depot BR Railfreight Distribution
35-418SF Class 47/0 47004 BR Railfreight Construction SOUND FITTED
35-418 Class 47/0 47004 BR Railfreight Construction
35-415SFX Class 47/7 47711 'Greyfriars Bobby' BR Blue (Large Logo)
35-415SF Class 47/7 47711 'Greyfriars Bobby' BR Blue (Large Logo)
35-414SF Class 47/4 47435 BR Blue
35-413SF Class 47/4 47828 BR Intercity
35-413 Class 47/4 47828 BR Intercity
35-412SFX Class 47/7 47712 'Lady Diana Spencer' BR ScotRail
35-412SF Class 47/7 47712 'Lady Diana Spencer' BR ScotRail
35-411 Class 47/0 47012 BR Blue
35-410 Class 47/0 D1565 BR Two-Tone Green (Small Yellow Panels)
35-337SFX Class 37/4 Refurbished 37423 'Sir Murray Morrison' BR RF Metals Sector - Sound Fitted Deluxe version
35-336SFX Class 37/04 Refurbished 37401 'Mary Queen of Scots BR IC (Mainline) - Sound Fitted Deleuxe version Version