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PLS-135 Stationary decoder
PLS-130 Smartfrog
PL-64 Power lube
PL-42 Wheel cleaning brush
PL-38B Electrical connecting wire (Blue)
PL-26B Passing contact switch for turnout motors (Black lever)
PL-24 Joining bar for multiple switching (for use with PL-22, PL-23 & PL-26)
PL-23 Lever operated single pole changeover switch
PL-18 Studs & tag washers (for mimic diagram type control panels)
PL-17 Probe (for operating turnout motor)
PL-15 Twin microswitch kit (for fitting to PL-10 series turnout motor)
PL-10E Turnout motor (with extended drive pin)
PL-10 Turnout motor
Hornby R8014 Point Motor
PL-34 Wiring Loom For PL-10 Point Motors
Pl-26Y Passing contact switch for turnout motors (Yellow lever)
PL-41 Rail cleaner
PL-31 Push on terminal connectors and insulating shrouds
PL-13 Accessory switch (SPDT) for fitting to turnout motor (switch machine)
PL-9 5 Mounting plates (for PL-10 series turnout motors
PL-82 Power Feed Joiners For N Code 55 & Code 80 Rail 4x Pairs (Peco)
PL-27 Switch console unit (designed specifically for the lever switches PL-22/23/26)
PL-11 Side mounted turnout motor
PL-26R Passing contact switch for turnout motors (Red lever)